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This endpoint creates a

URL : /create-raw-transaction

Method : POST

URL Parameters :

hash: SHA256 hex encoded string

Example URL :


Data constraints

The address property in the payload of your request will be a P2PKH encoded string.

The outputs property in the payload must be an array containing objects with a P2PKH to and a float value specified. These are the recipients.

The inputs property of the payload must be an array of objects containing an id property. The id property must reference an unspend transaction for the given address.

Payload outline

    "public_key": string,
    "address": P2PKH string,
    "fee": float 8 precision,
    "inputs": [
            "id": base64 string
    "outputs": [
            "to": P2PKH string
            "value": float 8 precision

Payload example

    "public_key": "024125b0105d26f8e7e10a6d6a06a797898ca0c6884355e7b8aff018d63368ebf1",
    "address": "12c19fpBnFR4j3PD9jRMHvwNkkuyXZ5yCb",
    "fee": 0.001,
    "inputs": [
            "id": "MEUCIQDKCedPkg1pPSDOONpMlS7YZvGjlhQ4lMw84hcNDlRiNwIgavt6yROWjZ6UPSO6S13IKBnTTdWS/jCE9Lt1kIGWd6Q="
    "outputs": [
            "to": "12c19fpBnFR4j3PD9jRMHvwNkkuyXZ5yCb",
            "value": 0.0009

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content examples

    "header": "0.00100000MEUCIQDKCedPkg1pPSDOONpMlS7YZvGjlhQ4lMw84hcNDlRiNwIgavt6yROWjZ6UPSO6S13IKBnTTdWS/jCE9Lt1kIGWd6Q=12c19fpBnFR4j3PD9jRMHvwNkkuyXZ5yCb0.00600000",
    "hash": "0ea51fce000bcc1203c7fb9ee784e0d57b61648d7769112178c1dab047d0ba00"

Error Response

Code : 400

    "status": string,
    "msg": string


This endpoint takes a block hash and responds with a block for the given hash if a block for that hash is found in the blockchain.

URL : /get-block

Method : GET

URL Parameters :

hash: SHA256 hex encoded string OR index: integer of block height

Example URL :




Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content examples

    "nonce" : 0,
    "hash" : "0dd0ec9ab91e9defe535841a4c70225e3f97b7447e5358250c2dc898b8bd3139",
    "public_key" : "03f44c7c4dca3a9204f1ba284d875331894ea8ab5753093be847d798274c6ce570",
    "id" : "MEUCIQDDicnjg9DTSnGOMLN3rq2VQC1O9ABDiXygW7QDB6SNzwIga5ri7m9FNlc8dggJ9sDg0QXUugrHwpkVKbmr3kYdGpc=",
    "merkleRoot" : "705d831ced1a8545805bbb474e6b271a28cbea5ada7f4197492e9a3825173546",
    "index" : 0,
    "target" : "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
    "special_min" : false,
    "version" : "1",
    "transactions" : [ 
            "public_key" : "03f44c7c4dca3a9204f1ba284d875331894ea8ab5753093be847d798274c6ce570",
            "fee" : 0.0,
            "hash" : "71429326f00ba74c6665988bf2c0b5ed9de1d57513666633efd88f0696b3d90f",
            "dh_public_key" : "",
            "relationship" : "",
            "inputs" : [],
            "outputs" : [ 
                    "to" : "1iNw3QHVs45woB9TmXL1XWHyKniTJhzC4",
                    "value" : 50.0
            "rid" : "",
            "id" : "MEUCIQDZbaCDMmJJ+QJHldj1EWu0yG7enlwRAXoO1/B617KaxgIgBLB4L2ICWpDZf5Eo2bcXgUmKd91ayrOG/6jhaIZAPb0="
    "time" : "1537127756",
    "prevHash" : ""


This endpoint returns the latest block in the blockchain.

URL : /get-latest-block

Method : GET

URL Parameters :


Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content examples

    "nonce" : 0,
    "hash" : "0dd0ec9ab91e9defe535841a4c70225e3f97b7447e5358250c2dc898b8bd3139",
    "public_key" : "03f44c7c4dca3a9204f1ba284d875331894ea8ab5753093be847d798274c6ce570",
    "id" : "MEUCIQDDicnjg9DTSnGOMLN3rq2VQC1O9ABDiXygW7QDB6SNzwIga5ri7m9FNlc8dggJ9sDg0QXUugrHwpkVKbmr3kYdGpc=",
    "merkleRoot" : "705d831ced1a8545805bbb474e6b271a28cbea5ada7f4197492e9a3825173546",
    "index" : 0,
    "target" : "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
    "special_min" : false,
    "version" : "1",
    "transactions" : [ 
            "public_key" : "03f44c7c4dca3a9204f1ba284d875331894ea8ab5753093be847d798274c6ce570",
            "fee" : 0.0,
            "hash" : "71429326f00ba74c6665988bf2c0b5ed9de1d57513666633efd88f0696b3d90f",
            "dh_public_key" : "",
            "relationship" : "",
            "inputs" : [],
            "outputs" : [ 
                    "to" : "1iNw3QHVs45woB9TmXL1XWHyKniTJhzC4",
                    "value" : 50.0
            "rid" : "",
            "id" : "MEUCIQDZbaCDMmJJ+QJHldj1EWu0yG7enlwRAXoO1/B617KaxgIgBLB4L2ICWpDZf5Eo2bcXgUmKd91ayrOG/6jhaIZAPb0="
    "time" : "1537127756",
    "prevHash" : ""


This endpoint returns the list of active peers known by the local node.

Since async tnode.py v0.0.7

URL : /get-peers

Method : GET

URL Parameters :


Example URL :


Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content examples

  "num_peers": 3, 
  "peers": [
      "host": "", 
      "port": 8000, 
      "bulletin_secret": null, 
      "is_me": false
    }, {
      "host": "", 
      "port": 8000, 
      "bulletin_secret": null, 
      "is_me": false
    }, {
      "host": "", 
      "port": 8000, 
      "bulletin_secret": null, 
      "is_me": false}


This endpoint returns the status of the node.

Since async tnode.py v0.0.8

URL : /get-status

Method : GET

URL Parameters :


Example URL :


Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

    "version": "5.7.2",
    "protocol_version": 3,
    "network": "mainnet",
    "peer_type": "seed",
    "username": "",
    "websocket_inbound_peers": 4802,
    "websocket_inbound_pending": 0,
    "inbound_peers": 1,
    "inbound_pending": 0,
    "outbound_peers": 1,
    "outbound_ignore": 0,
    "outbound_pending": 0,
    "pool": "N/A",
    "uptime": "310:19:18",
    "height": 427750,
    "health": {
        "ConsenusHealth": {
            "last_activity  ": 1679891003,
            "status         ": true,
            "time_until_fail": 120,
            "ignore         ": false
        "TCPServerHealth": {
            "last_activity  ": 1679890994,
            "status         ": true,
            "time_until_fail": 111,
            "ignore         ": true
        "TCPClientHealth": {
            "last_activity  ": 1679890998,
            "status         ": true,
            "time_until_fail": 115,
            "ignore         ": false
        "PeerHealth": {
            "last_activity  ": 1679891000,
            "status         ": true,
            "time_until_fail": 117,
            "ignore         ": false
        "BlockCheckerHealth": {
            "last_activity  ": 1679891003,
            "status         ": true,
            "time_until_fail": 120,
            "ignore         ": false
        "MessageSenderHealth": {
            "last_activity  ": 1679891000,
            "status         ": true,
            "time_until_fail": 117,
            "ignore         ": false
        "BlockInserterHealth": {
            "last_activity  ": 1679891003,
            "status         ": true,
            "time_until_fail": 120,
            "ignore         ": false
        "TransactionProcessorHealth": {
            "last_activity  ": 1679891003,
            "status         ": true,
            "time_until_fail": 120,
            "ignore         ": false
        "PoolPayerHealth": {
            "last_activity  ": 1679890964,
            "status         ": true,
            "time_until_fail": 81,
            "ignore         ": false
        "CacheValidatorHealth": {
            "last_activity  ": 1679890883,
            "status         ": true,
            "time_until_fail": 0,
            "ignore         ": false
        "MempoolCleanerHealth": {
            "last_activity  ": 1679890237,
            "status         ": true,
            "time_until_fail": 2834,
            "ignore         ": false
        "status": true
    "latest_block": {
        "version": 5,
        "time": 1679889834,
        "index": 427750,
        "public_key": "03dc4edf90c1c60c79e557d833031360ac9581d078beff7668f95f05d5f64a9fab",
        "prevHash": "84b9e7111f001c904324ee88e730b2b74f92f02fc4ed1c3e4885669a02000000",
        "nonce": "d971027d33313662313532353838623135",
        "transactions": [
                "time": 1679889834,
                "rid": "",
                "id": "MEQCID/rxhNJOTie40cqKA6afr0eqm+Mhwa9s5tGtzhcf0W7AiADxbhDgbCPjyRgKkG75SwkG+xVgGn2kcIbFTTd/R38BA==",
                "relationship": "",
                "public_key": "03dc4edf90c1c60c79e557d833031360ac9581d078beff7668f95f05d5f64a9fab",
                "dh_public_key": "",
                "fee": 0.0,
                "hash": "dc762b5291a18186ae7158b299abed69237b837df00ca351fab1c02f977c04be",
                "inputs": [],
                "outputs": [
                        "to": "1Jkeiz8z94m12hh426wz6dnUkU5fN5RYhp",
                        "value": 12.5
                "version": 3
        "hash": "04d48313d159fea661f7c4f15a16da6ff501dc480dc4776f850da7b002000000",
        "merkleRoot": "c3524fed1d0c0f0359d5d08bf880728f4100fa482d8bf509a976f774daf4dc9d",
        "special_min": false,
        "target": "00000005b3239469452340000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "special_target": "00000005b3239469452340000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "header": "5167988983403dc4edf90c1c60c79e557d833031360ac9581d078beff7668f95f05d5f64a9fab42775084b9e7111f001c904324ee88e730b2b74f92f02fc4ed1c3e4885669a02000000{nonce}00000005b3239469452340000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c3524fed1d0c0f0359d5d08bf880728f4100fa482d8bf509a976f774daf4dc9d",
        "id": "MEQCIDUduiXvbDAsZPUNKtmB0bPivxC5iAwogJm+SXW6kaJ7AiAczZNmbgriUSTA8elyY9Bb48JIa5NvjooH05nqtMTHnA=="
    "queues": {
        "BlockProcessingQueue": {
            "queue_item_count": 0,
            "average_processing_time": "2.4385",
            "num_items_processed": 3641
        "TransactionProcessingQueue": {
            "queue_item_count": 0,
            "average_processing_time": "0.3142",
            "num_items_processed": 11911
    "message_sender": {
        "nodeServer": {
            "num_messages": 0
        "nodeClient": {
            "num_messages": 550
    "slow_queries": {
        "count": 0,
        "detail": []


This endpoint signs a transaction hash created by /create-raw-transaction

URL : /sign-raw-transaction

Method : POST

URL Parameters :


Example URL :


Data constraints

The private_key property in the payload of your request will be the hex encoded DER string of your private key.

The hash property in the payload of your request will be the hex encoded SHA256 digested string of your transaction header.

Payload outline

    "private_key": string,
    "hash": string,

Payload example

    "private_key": "024125b0105d26f8e7e10a6d6a06a797898ca0c6884355e7b8aff018d63368ebf1",
    "hash": "0ea51fce000bcc1203c7fb9ee784e0d57b61648d7769112178c1dab047d0ba00"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content examples

    "transaction_signature": "MEQCIAY0KK8hBM2C5mXBoAn4WCR15iaQlxrhK2G4csXwDiUbAiBpzeVotPnF1p9RZApeddsmyaSdaguGDdtxQl8tSJtiYQ=="

Error Response

Code : 400

    "status": string,
    "msg": string


This endpoint accepts transactions. It is currently the only endpoint evailable for accepting trasnactions for consideration to be included in a block by a miner. The transactions accepted by this endpoint are stored in the miner_transactions collection in your local MongoDB instance. The transaction is also disseminated to the network for other miners to incorporate into mined blocks.

URL : /transaction

Method : POST

URL Parameters :


Example URL :


Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content examples

    "public_key": "02fa9550f57055c96c7ce4c6c9cd1411856beba5c7d5a07417e980a39aa03da3dc", 
    "fee": 0.0001, 
    "hash": "061857e0d8b4c9564e5bf2c5cca1cf9d10ecd97994d1a334713be1941d2c0ba5", 
    "dh_public_key": "8b4c9564e5bf264e5bf2c5cca1cf9d10ecd97994d1a3347138b4c9564e5bf2", 
    "relationship": "MEUCIQDPkS0JQj92l68xal9Xy6qD2DJEra9BleJ2xZJoImVHQgIgfAVy+003qm1WeqnwcOz+XjhzgJgI4E3POIFBwoonBkcMEUCIQDPkS0JQj92l68xal9Xy6qD2DJEra9BleJ2xZJoImVHQgIgfAVy+003qm1WeqnwcOz+XjhzgJgI4E3POIFBwoonBkc=", 
    "inputs": [
            "id": "MEUCIQDPkS0JQj92l68xal9Xy6qD2DJEra9BleJ2xZJoImVHQgIgfAVy+003qm1WeqnwcOz+XjhzgJgI4E3POIFBwoonBkc="
    "outputs": [
            "to": "1ADY5MY8cZhLRhYAcaG7VVax73juXfAiJy", 
            "value": 7.21874955854638
    "rid": "9d10ecd97994d1a334713be1941d2c0ba5ecd97994d1a334713be1941d2c0ba5", 
    "id": "MEQCIFl7ekjQ9LT72bK1nvms7nbQv4M73nG1K7zk6Oo1lJBdAiApLqpKHWol2JarNEwtdl/TfSzewShz17IovfYHmqLi+Q=="