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Create an Account for the authenticated User if an Account for that User does not already exist. Each User can only have one Account.

URL : /generate-child-wallet

Method : POST

Header : Authorization: bearer JWT_TOKEN

Request data :

  "uid": "`user id`"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

  "address": "`address string of newly created wallet`"


Generate a new seed and HD wallet

URL : /generate-wallet

Method : GET

Success Responses

Code : 200 OK

Content example : Response will reflect back the updated information. A User with id of β€˜1234’ sets their name, passing UAPP header of β€˜ios1_2’:

  "username": "",
  "public_key": "031df11550ba23d1738d2b3227a8e8b28f7e35a1a369967ea7ebde37d5cfcabc6c",
  "private_key": "208133c5107465c328d457380d3749a3de6a6c1f29265179eddb177ad91fb4e7",
  "serve_port": 8001,
  "site_database": "yadacoinsite",
  "wif": "KxJtubo885q2qVrEf4MP6Kjtwaj5sWH4AKjMPY3eNQQk9iSm513v",
  "web_server_host": "",
  "database": "yadacoin",
  "peer_port": 8000,
  "peer_host": "",
  "fcm_key": "",
  "seed": "",
  "address": "1KYZoqeQZfm3LpmL2rh5K3jhRPwN3AAU5",
  "serve_host": "",
  "bulletin_secret": "MEQCIBMi1nb3/bSee5aAxAWscAL7EC855Y4w2Pq2nWIXRItMAiBtOAbgDkjJkvVTvGFFdG/gpWoESwC7CGjgslnGc9RX4w==",
  "xprv": "xprv9s21ZrQH143K3Cy78KacBtuV64s3Fi9xK3TkFzFS85Gv3Ss6MkWyzFeSaxQcjX64YsXD5YhBA3GUQRpnRn7fdi872vaQX4SGyi4psXGZ8sY",
  "callbackurl": "",
  "mongodb_host": "localhost"


Generate a new seed and HD wallet

URL : /wallet

URL Parameters : ?address=[P2PKH Address]

Example URL : /wallet?address=13AYDe1jxvYdAFcrUUKGGNC2ZbECXuN5KK

Method : GET

Success Responses

Code : 200 OK

Content example : Response will reflect back the wallet ballance and uspent outputs for the given address.

  "balance": 255.3866845565283,
  "unspent_transactions": [
      "public_key": "02fa9550f57055c96c7ce4c6c9cd1411856beba5c7d5a07417e980a39aa03da3dc",
      "fee": 0.0001,
      "hash": "6639e35fd0cf8149458254908ec79ce23b64f050f919fa4adb86b4d36504ad6a",
      "dh_public_key": "",
      "relationship": "",
      "inputs": [
          "id": "MEQCIEi9sagTl6Iq69g9NzhfOjiJdnl4Uj+upWmTbp6wjWsXAiAGf7cPN9vJTRn/dfqAtw4XMOssPiRKaqCERcg1puFhOg=="
      "outputs": [
          "to": "13AYDe1jxvYdAFcrUUKGGNC2ZbECXuN5KK",
          "value": 21.3714287047476
      "height": 23507,
      "rid": "",
      "id": "MEUCIQDRaOpsNtb4Si0zwHzflCHds4PBri2Y6QPFyurJ8MnmYQIgFQ8aAN2Ujjjndb31On2cfzW302Vl+wMk53It7awatIA="


Is a wallet address valid

URL : /validate-address

URL Parameters : ?address=[P2PKH Address]

Example URL : /validate-address?address=13AYDe1jxvYdAFcrUUKGGNC2ZbECXuN5KK

Method : GET

Success Responses

Code : 200 OK

Content example : Response will return boolean true if address is valid, false if it is not.

  "status": true,
  "address": "13AYDe1jxvYdAFcrUUKGGNC2ZbECXuN5KK"


Is a wallet address valid

Method : POST

URL : /unlock

Request Content-type : json


  "key_or_wif": "`wif or private_key string from config.json`"

Success Responses

Code : 200 OK

Content example : Response will return boolean true if address is valid, false if it is not.

  "token": "`encoded JWT string`"


Generate and send a transaction to the given address for the given amount.

URL : /send-transaction

Method : POST

Header : Authorization: bearer JWT_TOKEN Header : Content-type: application/json

Request data

  "address": "`string address of recipient address`",
  "value": "`int or decimal amount of YDA being sent`",
  "from": "`string address of master or child wallet`"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

  "public_key": "02fa9550f57055c96c7ce4c6c9cd1411856beba5c7d5a07417e980a39aa03da3dc",
  "fee": 0.0001,
  "hash": "6639e35fd0cf8149458254908ec79ce23b64f050f919fa4adb86b4d36504ad6a",
  "dh_public_key": "",
  "relationship": "",
  "inputs": [
      "id": "MEQCIEi9sagTl6Iq69g9NzhfOjiJdnl4Uj+upWmTbp6wjWsXAiAGf7cPN9vJTRn/dfqAtw4XMOssPiRKaqCERcg1puFhOg=="
  "outputs": [
      "to": "13AYDe1jxvYdAFcrUUKGGNC2ZbECXuN5KK",
      "value": 21.3714287047476
  "height": 23507,
  "rid": "",
  "id": "MEUCIQDRaOpsNtb4Si0zwHzflCHds4PBri2Y6QPFyurJ8MnmYQIgFQ8aAN2Ujjjndb31On2cfzW302Vl+wMk53It7awatIA="


Get a transaction by transaction id on the blockchain or in the mempool.

URL : /get-transaction-by-id

URL Parameters : ?id=transaction_id

Example URL : /get-transaction-by-id?id=MEUCIQDRaOpsNtb4Si0zwHzflCHds4PBri2Y6QPFyurJ8MnmYQIgFQ8aAN2Ujjjndb31On2cfzW302Vl+wMk53It7awatIA=

Method : GET

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

  "public_key": "02fa9550f57055c96c7ce4c6c9cd1411856beba5c7d5a07417e980a39aa03da3dc",
  "fee": 0.0001,
  "hash": "6639e35fd0cf8149458254908ec79ce23b64f050f919fa4adb86b4d36504ad6a",
  "dh_public_key": "",
  "relationship": "",
  "inputs": [
      "id": "MEQCIEi9sagTl6Iq69g9NzhfOjiJdnl4Uj+upWmTbp6wjWsXAiAGf7cPN9vJTRn/dfqAtw4XMOssPiRKaqCERcg1puFhOg=="
  "outputs": [
      "to": "13AYDe1jxvYdAFcrUUKGGNC2ZbECXuN5KK",
      "value": 21.3714287047476
  "height": 23507,
  "rid": "",
  "id": "MEUCIQDRaOpsNtb4Si0zwHzflCHds4PBri2Y6QPFyurJ8MnmYQIgFQ8aAN2Ujjjndb31On2cfzW302Vl+wMk53It7awatIA="


Get a transaction by transaction id on the blockchain or in the mempool.

URL : /convert-public-key-to-address

URL Parameters : ?public_key=hex_public_key

Example URL : /convert-public-key-to-address?public_key=0255110297d7b260a65972cd2c623996e18a6aeb9cc358ac667854af7efba4f0a7

Method : GET

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

  "address": "1ArsFNcc5fU3cfSUiNJCu6LhT8CeZgtEcC",
  "public_key": "0255110297d7b260a65972cd2c623996e18a6aeb9cc358ac667854af7efba4f0a7"


Get the number of confirmations for a transaction given its transaction ID.

URL : /get-transaction-confirmations

URL Parameters : ?id=transaction_id

Example URL : /get-transaction-confirmations?id=MEUCIQDRaOpsNtb4Si0zwHzflCHds4PBri2Y6QPFyurJ8MnmYQIgFQ8aAN2Ujjjndb31On2cfzW302Vl+wMk53It7awatIA=

Method : GET

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

  "confirmations": 6